Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Life Time Member

Yeah, I finally did it! I joined Weight Watchers on Jan 15, 2008 and have now lost 19 pounds and have achieved my "Lifetime Membership" which means I don't have to pay for the meetings each week. And actually I am required to attend only one a month now. I know some of you are probably tired of hearing about this weight loss process that has seemed to absorb my life these past months. However, I have been overweight for the past 20 years and have kept telling myself over and over again I will lose it one of these days. Well I finally made a commitment to spend birthday and Christmas money and join a program that would make me show some accountabililty as I weighed in each week.

This process has been the hardest thing I have ever done, except for giving birth 5 times. About 10 years ago I went on a drug called Phen-fen and lost 20 pounds. My doctor told me at the time the drug could kill me and that I would gain the weight back. Fortunately for me I didn't die but regain the weight I did. (The drug did cause heart damage in some people, and some died from it so it was taken off of the market).

I really hope I can maintain my present weight and have lots of encouragement from all of you. so don't offer me too many desserts. I do enjoy hiking and it is much easier for me now that I feel lighter.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Race for the Cure

On May 10th I and my 3 sisters, Annette, Marianne, and Lorrie joined in with 17,000 others (men, women, and children) for the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure, a 3 mile race, walk, or stroll for breast cancer research. Everyone there had someone they were walking for who had survived breast cancer or in memory of someone who had not. Also there were many who were survivors themselves wearing pink t-shirts to set them apart from the others.

At first Lorrie encouraged me to go with her since I was in Salt Lake anyway tending Stephanie's & Jeff's children while they were in Boston. Jeff had a business trip there and Steph joined him later. Jeff's sisters and Mom took over the childcare so I could participate in the race. Lorrie suggested that Annette & Marianne join us too, so Ray, Marianne's dedicated husband consented to drive them up from St. George to join in the fun.

I loved the fact that the four of us could participate together. Who knows what the future holds as we are all getting older. One of these days we won't be able to walk very far at all. Right now we all have great health. We donned our special shirts and pinned sign on our back "in memory of Blanche Belcher". Although my mother didn't actually die of breast cancer she did suffer from it and dealt with the scars of a major masectomy. Her mother died of breast cancer in about 1930.

We had beautiful weather for the walk. We got up early and Lorrie drove us to the tracks station on 90th south where we boarded the train. Boy was it crowded. Some kind person gave up his seat for me, otherwise I would have been standing the whole trip to the Gateway where the race began. Poor Lorrie, being younger, wasn't offered a seat and had to stand the whole way.

The race started off slowly as we shuffled along with the crowd but after a while we could pick up the pace. Whole families participated and it was exciting to be there in the crowd and all of the activity. Cheerleaders with pom poms cheered us on our way. At the half way point we received a drink of water but since the temperature was on the cool side none of us was panting with heat exhaustion or anything like that.

After the race and the much needed potty break we visited many of the booths that were set up at the Gateway mall area. We got some free food and small prizes then caught the tracks train and rode back to the car.

Lorrie made us a special salmon dinner with lots of vegetables. She barbecued it all and it was so delicious. Steve and Andrea joined us for dinner along with Nick and Rene (friends of Annette's). We rented a movie and after our guests left the four of us girls and Ray sat down and watched the chic flick, "P.S. I Love You". I cried a lot during the movie. Not only was it very sad, but my allergies to cats started acting up. I suppose the nice warm blanket we used to cuddle up under was covered with cat hair. Anyway, my eyes itched and watered during the whole movie.

Sunday morning Lorrie made us a special mother's day brunch. It all tasted soooo very good to me. I totally blew my diet away. It's hard to be with family and not eat. Thank you Lorrie for this special time with you, Annette, & Marianne. Thank you Ray for you eternal patience. I know that this was a gift from heaven and we could feel our mother's presence with us throughout the day.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Lorrie, Brett, and Portia arrived here this evening. We all went to Chuck a Rama for our dinner. Portia seemed to wander around the food tables in amazement and really did enjoy it all. We plan on having a picnic tomorrow after church. I get to make a cake and a salad. It is always great when all of us sisters get together for dinner. We each bring something and it all tastes wonderful. Our men really love the variety of food when we all chip in. The weather here is soooo nice.

A wonderful concert.

Last night I, Spencers and Annette attended a wonderful concert held at DSU. It was a fund raiser for the St. George Musical Theater. The main performer was George Dyer who sang magnificently. I cried when he sang "Bring Him Home". He sang several songs songs from Les Miserables. Music of the Night, and Phantom of the Opera. Everything he sang permeated my soul. There were other performers who were great as well. I couldn't believe I could attend such a wonderful concert for only $15.00. Afterwards we went for ice cream at the Iceburg. Marianne shamed me into ordering some even though I wanted to pass on it. So, Annette and I shared and then sent the rest home for Clyde. Those milkshakes are huge. They ought to be ashamed selling such large portions.

We are so blessed to live here in St. George and to enjoy the great talent that is here. It is top notch and can be compared to anything in Los Angeles or New York (so we have been told by people who know). My only regret about tonight is that my husband chose not to go with us and missed out on all of this beautiful music that I know he would have enjoyed. Oh welll, I guess the Jazz game won out.